You are warmly welcome to visit us and experience our products and get to know us better. Our designstudio and showroom is located at Tändsticksområdet in the center of Jönköping. If you have any questions/enquiries or discuss materials, design and production/manufacturing, you can reach us via email or phone. We are always open to new people, contacts and collaborations.
Hillevi Magnell - Designer
Johan Stockhem - Production manager
SSM Smålands Skinnmanufaktur
Tändsticksgränd 24, 553 15 Jönköping
SSM Smålands Skinnmanufaktur
Tändsticksgränd 24, 553 15 Jönköping
Opening hours
Tuesdag - Friday: 10-14
Friday - Sunday: Closed
View on map